Neural Two-Level Monte Carlo Real-Time Rendering
Mikhail Dereviannykh, Dmitrii Klepikov, Johannes Hanika, Carsten Dachsbacher
Eurographics 2025
Arxiv Version | Video Demo (High Res, Low Res)
Real-Time Path-Guiding Based on Parametric Mixture Model
Mikhail Derevyannykh
Eurographics 2022
Conference Version | Fast Forward | Video Presentation | Video Demo
Spherical Gaussians Radiance Volumes For
Production Real-time Rendering
Bachelor Thesis, 2021
Mikhail Derevyannykh
ECS - Data Oriented Ray Tracer
Course Work, 2019
Mikhail Derevyannykh
Previous non-academic research
ML for real-time GI
Pipeline based on Colab, Weight and Biases, Google Drive, Ngrok, TensorRT for researching and finding the best neural network architecture. Weight and Biases for logging and hyperparameter searching (architecture types, data transformation, # of layers, learning rates, # samples for implemented custom loss functions, activation functions, etc) - Deployed render-server based on Ngrok for fast rendering some validation screenshots, which are used as logging data for every N epoch during training - Deployed render-server based on Ngrok and TensorRT for benchmarking inference time of requested neural network architecture on some gaming GPU. - Neural network quantizations - Renderer with support of highly optimized async neural networks inference and dataset generation . - A lot of different python scripts\C++ SIMD applications\GPU applications for processing datasets (there’re terabytes of data, that’s why I need to bother about RAM\disk speed, latency, and bandwidth\CPUvsGPU performance, etc.) - Scripts\Programs for failed experiments (geometry tessellation, implemented SSIM with support of different patches, slow Mitsuba 2 and Cycles Blender baker, position encoding layers, sine, lightmaps prediction). Inference is about 0.2 ms.
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